Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Friends Are By Your Side

Vanity Hair Salon is proud to support Friends Are By Your Side; the home of Wigs and Wishes an initiative of salon owner and stylist, Martino Cartier. Click here for more information on Friends Are By Your Side/Wigs and Wishes

Martino´s vision was to join forces with salons across the world and take the pledge to restore dignity to women who have lost their hair to chemotherapy AT NO CHARGE. His goal was to find a safe haven for women to go to regardless of their financial situation.

Martino´s desire took on a new light when he met Kiki. Kiki was a beautiful girl who had been battling cancer since she was only eight years old. She had been turned down for a wig by a number of foundations.
In April of 2012, Kiki and Martino were introduced when Kiki´s mother reached out to New Jersey State Freeholder, Vincent Nestore, and the rest is history. Martino made a wig for her and the friendship began. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with the loss of hair due to cancer or another such debilitating disease, please call Vanity and we will compassionately help you through the process with dignity, love and sensitivity. 

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